General Training & Health Information

RELEASE & WAIVER.  Upon arrival for a program, participants will be provided with a key point summary of NL First Aid’s General Training Information.  Prior to any training, participants must sign a Release & Waiver Form declaring that they fully understand the requirements of the program and voluntarily assume all risks. 

For participants under the age of 16, a Parent/Guardian signature is required on the Release & Waiver.    

PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH INFORMATION.  First Aid training activities aim to prepare individuals how to deal with emergency situations which may demand a degree of physical exertion and so may include lifting, bending and kneeling, using CPR mannequins, role playing/contact with staff and other participants and handling/using first aid related equipment. 

NL First Aid strives to ensure that all activities are completed safely, however given the practical hands-on type of training used it is important that people understand the risks associated with their current state of health. The physical requirements of the training activities should not pose a problem or hazard for most people but could be a problem for anyone who has sustained injuries in the past or who is currently suffering from an illness or injury, including but not limited to:  Heart Condition, Chest Pains, High Blood Pressure, Fainting or Dizziness, Bone, Muscle or Joint Problems, Seizures, Asthma, Pregnancy, Recent Surgery.  

If a person has (or is unsure about) any medical or health related concerns, is taking medications, has a medical condition, injury or illness or any existing or previous condition which could prevent participation in physical activity or which could be aggravated by it, they should seek advice from a physician prior to registering for a program.  NL First Aid staff are not physicians and will not offer opinion or advice to anyone who is registered as to whether or not they should participate in a program if they have a medical or health concern.  They will only advise consulting a physician (and rescheduling if necessary) if the participant is unsure.

For the safety and well-being of all participants and staff, anyone registered for a program who has been in contact with or is in the stages of any infectious condition at the time of the program should not participate and should contact NL First Aid to reschedule.    

Anyone with concerns about allergies should inform NL First Aid prior to program commencement. 

Rescheduling a program without penalty (i.e. additional charge) is not offered for participants who sign the program Release & Waiver stating they have no medical or health related concerns about participation and later in the program declare a pre-existing condition which prevents them from, or may be aggravated by, continuing with one or more portions of the program.  

For the safety of participants, NL First Aid reserves the right for the program instructor(s) to politely decline to commence or continue training for any person who appears to be ill or injured and to advise they seek physician clearance to continue at a later date or to call for advanced medical care depending on the circumstances.   

INSTRUCTOR CONTACT.  Unless otherwise published or notified to participants, NL First Aid program instructors are contactable via Telephone (709) 727 4120 or email except when they are conducting programs.  Telephone and email notifications are silenced 15 minutes after scheduled start time of a program until all participants have left the facility at the end of a training day.    

TRAINING LOCATION.  Unless otherwise published or notified to participants, programs will be held at the Relyon Nutec Canada training centre at 35 Beclin Rd, Mount Pearl, NL A1N 5G4.  

If the training facility for a program is changed due to unforeseen circumstances, participants will be given at least 24 hours notice when possible.  Alternate facilities will be within a reasonable travel distance from the original location. 

PROGRAM SCHEDULES.  Program schedules are as published and per confirmed booking communication unless otherwise notified to participants in writing.  Depending on the program, schedules may be tight but are set to meet the minimum required teaching time per Canadian Red Cross (CRC) standards and to allow for reasonable breaks and additional classroom and training area management for COVID-19 precautions.  Programs have no flexibility to allow for personal appointments, dealing with repeated ‘work calls’, etc.  Participants should plan for this with regards to other obligations, cover at work, childcare requirements, etc and expect to start and finish at the stated times with a full commitment to the whole program.  They should also remain flexible in case of over-run due to unforeseen circumstances – i.e. COVID-19 precautions, inclement weather, emergencies, etc.  

PUNCTUALITY.  Participants are requested to plan their travel to arrive in plenty of time to commence the course at the scheduled time (arrival 10-15 minutes ahead is recommended) – planning around forecast weather for driveway clearing, travel, etc.  If travelling by public transport, please allow time to walk from your drop off point (the closest Metrobus Stop to the Relyon Nutec building is approximately 500m away on Topsail Road).  Anyone who knows they will be late should contact the instructor(s) as soon as possible prior to start time. 

If a program is underway, latecomers may be permitted to participate at the instructor’s discretion but only if doing so will not inconvenience or negatively affect the program for others, all required content can still be covered and minimum training times can be met.  However, in consideration of other participants, more than 15 minutes late is too late and considered ‘No-Show’. 

Depending on the day and time of the course, the facility may be locked for security reasons at the scheduled start time and in this instance the instructor a.) may not be aware of latecomers outside and b.) will not interrupt training already underway for others in order to unlock the building for latecomers.

Notwithstanding the above, safety is of the utmost importance and participants who may be running late should always consider that prior to making any journey and avoid any actions such as hurrying on the roads which could create a hazardous situation for themselves or others, especially in inclement weather conditions.

'NO SHOW'.  If a registered participant does not turn up for training at the scheduled start time for a program which has already commenced, it is deemed ‘No-Show’ which is considered to be a cancellation of the program (or remainder of) and applies to the following:

·         a registered participant who fails to arrive for training (or return from a break) on any day of a program.

·         a registered participant who arrives for training later than the scheduled start time (or is late returning from a break) on any day of a program, without prior notification, when training has already started. 

INCLEMENT WEATHER.  Programs may be affected by Inclement Weather, i.e. snowstorms, and delayed/postponed by NL First Aid.  In such circumstances the NL First Aid website will be updated to show details.  If a program is already underway when affected by weather, new arrangements will be discussed with participants prior to dispersal.

Programs with a delayed start due to inclement weather may run past the scheduled end time.  Efforts will be made to reduce the impact of revised timings by condensing breaks, etc. but participants should be prepared for this eventuality and expect to finish later.

If a program has already commenced with one or more participants and others do not arrive, only verifiable weather and/or road conditions adversely affecting travel from the participant’s location will be accepted as reasons for rescheduling without penalty - so long as contact is made with the instructor(s) prior to course commencement.  Reasons such as school snow days, uncleared driveways, etc will not be accepted as eligibility for rescheduling.  

CERTIFICATION.  The normal certification period for CRC First Aid & CPR programs is three years unless required more frequently for specific levels or occupations, for example Basic Life Support or CPR annually for Healthcare Providers, etcAttendance of a program does not guarantee certification - participants must attend and take part in 100% of the program, successfully demonstrate all required skills and complete a closed book, multiple choice knowledge evaluation with a minimum mark of 75%. 

Certifications for successful participants are issued electronically by the Canadian Red Cross and sent to the email address provided on their registration form.  If they do not have an email address, a hard copy may be requested, which may take several weeks to arrive by mail.  For all participants booked by their employer/company, a digital copy will also be sent to the person who made the booking. 

Unsuccessful candidates will be offered a Letter of Participation and options to rebook a program or complete specific elements will be discussed.  Refund or Rescheduling without penalty will not be offered. 

RESPECTFUL TRAINING ENVIRONMENT.  NL First Aid provides a respectful training environment where everyone is treated equally and fairly regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, age, etc.  All participants are expected to respect this policy at all times and refrain from foul language, inappropriate humour, etc.  We consider Cell Phone Etiquette to be a respectful practice and in consideration of others on the program, participants will be requested to mute their cellphones, keep them off desks and limit use to breaks, unless in an emergency.  Participants not following our Respectful Training Environment policy will be politely asked to leave the program.

LANGUAGE AND SPECIFIC EDUCATIONAL NEEDS.  Programs offered by NL First Aid are delivered in English, using English materials and written evaluations are printed in English.  Participants who may have difficulty understanding for any reason (hearing, reading, writing, English Second Language, etc) should inform NL First Aid at the time of booking (if booking online, customers should make contact by telephone or email beforehand to discuss) and every effort will be made to accommodate individuals – i.e. by conducting evaluations verbally – within the scheduled timing for a program.  If it is not possible, alternatives will be discussed with the customer.  Participants are welcome to bring along assistants/translators with prior notice, subject to classroom space being available and requirements such as COVID-19 precautions being met.  Electronic Course Materials for pre-program self study are also provided.  Materials for self-study are available in French if requested at the time of booking

APPROPRIATE CLOTHING.  Participants are advised to wear clothing appropriate to kneeling and lying on a hard floor and to the physical activity required in the courses (see Physical Activity & Health Information).  Pants rather than skirts or dresses are recommended.  Additionally, anyone wearing clothing with logos, slogans, etc. that are or may be offensive to any individual or group will be politely asked to cover them up or leave the program.     

PRE-COURSE STUDY.  Pre-Course Study is not a requirement for most programs but digital materials are provided to customers after booking to allow participants to review program content ahead of time if they wish. 

First Responder, Emergency Medical Responder and Advanced First Aid participants are required to complete the applicable workbook prior to course commencement – a digital copy is provided after booking.  A completed digital or printed copy of the completed workbook must be submitted to the course instructor(s) at the start of Day 1 of the program.

BREAKS.  Programs include breaks of approximately 15 minutes mid-morning and mid-afternoon and approximately 30 minutes at lunchtime, beginning at appropriate times determined by the instructor(s).  Participants should ensure they return from breaks punctually as training will resume at the stated time in consideration of other participants and being absent may result in not receiving a certification due to not attending and participating in 100% of the course.  Additional charges may apply for ‘catch up’ sessions. 

REFRESHMENTS / MEALS.  Refreshments and meals are not provided with the program and are the responsibility of individual participants.  They may be brought for personal consumption in the classroom and individuals should ensure they take enough with them for their needs for each day of the program.  Additionally, no food preparation facilities are provided.      

INTOXICATING SUBSTANCES.  Participants must not be under the influence of any intoxicating substance during the program. Any participant suspected of being under the influence of any such substance will be excluded from the program.

EQUIPMENT AND ROLE PLAY.  First Aid training activities aim to prepare individuals how to deal with emergency situations and include role play and use of first aid related equipment.  Basic level courses use CPR mannequins and simple wound care items with additional use of full-size mannequins and authentic looking artificial wounds as appropriate to the skill pratcice.  Training scenarios at this level are generally uncomplicated and confined to the classroom. 

Professional Responder level courses require the same as basic plus the additional use of a much wider range of first aid equipment, including oxygen delivery systems, stretchers and spine-boards.  To create more realistic practical scenarios, several are conducted outside the classroom, including in emergency training areas, outdoors and using stationary vehicles, etc.  Additionally, make-up, authentic looking artificial wounds and blood are used throughout the course.  In addition to a requirement to act as a responder, participants are expected to take part in role-play as injured or ill persons which may include applying the aforementioned make-up, wounds and blood, lying on the ground, being secured to a spine-board, being carried short distances by other students, wearing oxygen delivery equipment, etc.  It is recommended that participants wear clothing appropriate to the role-play (NL First aid accepts no responsibility for damage, dirtying or staining of clothing)

As a COVID-19 precaution, in-person contact is avoided whenever possible and substituted with mannequin use. 

Any participant with concerns about equipment and role-play at any training level should contact the instructor(s) prior to course commencement. 

CLEANING AND DISINFECTING.  As part of NL First Aid’s COVID-19 Precautions, participants are expected to assist with the cleaning and disinfecting of areas and equipment they use as individuals during training, with cleaning products provided to them.  Products used are commonly available wipes and sprays but anyone who may have a sensitivity to cleaning products, for example by touch or smell, should inform NL First Aid prior to training.